IT & Data Strategy

Setup your IT and Data teams in the right way: Increase sales, reduce costs, work more efficiently (and much more).

Free & non-binding

Data Strategy
Neue Geschäftsfelder erschließen
Open up new business areas
Datenbasierte Entscheidungen<br />
Make data-based decisions
Effizientere Business-Prozesse erschaffen
Create more efficient business processes

With IT & Data Strategy from anlyx you can turn technology into tangible business value.

The result:

Your organization makes better long-term decisions, works more efficiently and finds more innovative solutions. 

Maturity Assessments

Know where you are

Determine the current maturity level of your organization in handling IT & data and identify where there is still room for improvement.

Data Maturity Assessment


Data Governance

Make IT work

Establish uniform tech standards that improve collaboration between departments and comply with legal requirements and data protection regulations.

Data Platform

Make better use of data

Implement a centralized data platform that brings data from all sources together in one place – so you can get the most out of it. Together we will find the best setup for your organization.

Daten besser nutzen

Do more with your data.
With anlyx.

anlyx - Marcus Schwarze

Hello, I’m
Marcus Schwarze.

When I founded anlyx in 2013, the term “data science” was hardly known in Germany. Since then, my team and I have been doing everything we can to change this.

At anlyx, we employ physicists, mathematicians, economists and computer scientists. What unites us: a love for data – and the understanding of what an enormous asset it is for companies.

Today, we are partners with 8 of Germany’s DAX 40 companies and advise IT managers, CIOs and data officers from the upper midmarket to large enterprises. On request, we put our findings directly into practice.

Because we provide consulting AND implementation – from a single source.

Maybe soon also for you?


Learn more

How to build a 360° Fraud Prevention Platform
Key Elements for Enterprise Data Governance
The anlyx Guide for Modern Data Platforms