Product Organization & Fusion Teams

“Too expensive, too slow, no clue about business” – the holy trinity of the regular complaints CIOs get from their business peers. But no matter the invest in better IT-business-relationships, the issues remain. It seems that “more of the same” does not resolve the underlying problems.

In this Whitepaper, we are exploring the principle by which companies like adidas, Siemens, Miele and Vorwerk are drastically changing and improving the way IT works. Here, IT leaders will learn:

  • which changes drive the transformation of IT departments
  • what are Product / Fusion Teams and which benefits do they provide
  • how a scaled product organization looks like
  • which steps are necessary for a transformation journey
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anlyx - Marcus Schwarze

Dissatisfaction of peers, budget shifts and more tech competencies in business pressure IT departments to establish new organizational structures. Yet, simply investing more into business-IT-relationship won’t be enough of an answer.

Hence, more and more companies choose a drastic – and also logical – step. They no longer separate business and IT as well as development and operations. Instead, they form Product / Fusion Teams. Those are small teams consisting of business and IT roles alike to autonomously deliver digital solutions to different customer groups.

This type of organization requires completely new ways of working, structures and governance. In this Whitepaper, we explain this setup, show benefits and outline necessary pre-conditions.

With this Whitepaper, we enable CIOs to decide whether the step towards a Production Organization is sensible for their company.